
Showing posts from May, 2009

The bug takes Manhattan..

What had been transpired me to do the blog recently was my visit to Philippines. Since then, I confessed that I developed a newly ignited passion for travel; and that passion has been firing up my feet in the early days of February. I still have a long way back then to contemplate on where to go. But still, the idea of a few days off excite my senses from day one. I was browsing my phonebook and hoping to engage some potential dormant traveller that was once sleeping who might be interested to take part in the journey of feeding my blog. I was even more eager to befriend a friend’s friend who shares the same interest to globetrot within our means, mainly to cut the hotel bill in half, instantly! Hehehe. Though I was really hoping nobody would say yes, as I was more than happy to take a leap of faith travelling solo. Until my excitement held to a more exciting phase of my anticipated plan, I will go alone! Skimming through the travel section of the public library, I pinned down my x-mar